十点英语 21天英语边唱边学 21音频 pdf百度网盘下载
21天英语边唱边学,乘“歌声”之翼,学“英文”之美背单词?→背不进去学语法?→有点枯燥看原著?→坚持不了传统学习so boring,怎样才能让我的英语学习更有趣?21天英语歌曲课边听边唱边学习拯救你的英语听说!十点英语教研团队,巧妙结合听歌 学英语重磅推出21天听英文歌学英语**学习积极性,每天一首英文歌让你变身英语“说、唱”达人
21天英语边唱边学 21音频 pdf百度网盘下载
01 day 1_ yesterday once more 昨日重现.mp3
01 day 1_ yesterday once more 昨日重现.pdf
01 纯享原声:yesterday once more.mp3
01 纯享原声:yesterday once more.pdf
02 day 2_ hey jude 嘿,朱迪.mp3
02 day 2_ hey jude 嘿,朱迪.pdf
02 纯享原声:hey jude.mp3
02 纯享原声:hey jude.pdf
03 day 3_ i love you 我爱你.mp3
03 day 3_ i love you 我爱你.pdf
03 纯享原声:i love you.mp3
03 纯享原声:i love you.pdf
04 day 4_ tears in heaven 泪洒天堂.mp3
04 day 4_ tears in heaven 泪洒天堂.pdf
04 纯享原声:tears in heaven.mp3
04 纯享原声:tears in heaven.pdf
05 day 5_ say you say me 说你说我.mp3
05 day 5_ say you say me 说你说我.pdf
05 纯享原声:say you say me.mp3
05 纯享原声:say you say me.pdf
06 day 6_ fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球.mp3
06 day 6_ fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球.pdf
06 纯享原声:fly me to the moon.mp3
06 纯享原声:fly me to the moon.pdf
07 day 7_ big big world 大千世界.mp3
07 day 7_ big big world 大千世界.pdf
07 纯享原声_ big big world.mp3
07 纯享原声_ big big world.pdf
08 day 8_ yellow 黄色.mp3
08 day 8_ yellow 黄色.pdf
08 纯享原声:yellow.mp3
08 纯享原声:yellow.pdf
09 day 9_ new soul 纯洁心灵.mp3
09 day 9_ new soul 纯洁心灵.pdf
09 纯享原声:new soul.mp3
09 纯享原声:new soul.pdf
10 day 10:heal the world 拯救世界.mp3
10 day 10:heal the world 拯救世界.pdf
10 纯享原声:heal the world.mp3
10 纯享原声:heal the world.pdf
11 day 11:five hundred miles 离家五百里.mp3
11 day 11:five hundred miles 离家五百里.pdf
11 纯享原声:five hundred miles.mp3
11 纯享原声:five hundred miles.pdf
12 day 12_ lemon tree 柠檬树.mp3
12 day 12_ lemon tree 柠檬树.pdf
12 纯享原声:lemon tree.mp3
12 纯享原声:lemon tree.pdf
13 day 13_ beautiful in white 白色新娘.mp3
13 day 13_ beautiful in white 白色新娘.pdf
13 纯享原声:beautiful in white.mp3
13 纯享原声:beautiful in white.pdf
14 day 14:hero 勇士.mp3
14 day 14:hero 勇士.pdf
14 纯享原声:hero.mp3
14 纯享原声:hero.pdf
15 day15:thinking out loud 自言自语.mp3
15 day15:thinking out loud 自言自语.pdf
15 纯享原声:thinking out loud.mp3
15 纯享原声:thinking out loud.pdf
16 day 16_ can you feel the love tonight 今夜爱无限.mp3
16 day 16_ can you feel the love tonight 今夜爱无限.pdf
16 纯享原声:can you feel the love tonight.mp3
16 纯享原声:can you feel the love tonight.pdf
17 day 17_ need you now 此刻我需要你在.mp3
17 day 17_ need you now 此刻我需要你在.pdf
17 纯享原声:need you now.mp3
17 纯享原声:need you now.pdf
18 day 18:shallow 浅湾.mp3
18 day 18:shallow 浅湾.pdf
18 纯享原声:shallow.mp3
18 纯享原声:shallow.pdf
19 day 19_ if i were a boy 假如我是一个男孩.mp3
19 day 19_ if i were a boy 假如我是一个男孩.pdf
19 纯享原声:if i were a boy 假如我是一个男孩.mp3
19 纯享原声:if i were a boy 假如我是一个男孩.pdf
20 day 20_ try everything 尝试一切.mp3
20 day 20_ try everything 尝试一切.pdf
20 纯享原声:try everything.mp3
20 纯享原声:try everything.pdf
21 day 21_ happy 欢乐.mp3
21 day 21_ happy 欢乐.pdf
21 纯享原声:happy.mp3
21 纯享原声:happy.pdf